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Columbia City High School
Alumni Association

1600 S. State Rd. 9
Columbia City, Indiana 46725



Columbia City High School Alumni Association
Officers and Board of Directors Meeting
Columbia City High School, Room 113
June 2, 2006


Call to Order

President Ted Gruver (’57) called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and welcomed all who were in attendance.  A prayer was given by Vernon Trier (’43)

Ted announced that Rex Carpenter (’57) and Rita (Pittenger) Toomey (’61) have resigned from the board.

Members Present

In accordance with CCHSAA by-laws, a Quorum was present.  Present were:

Ted Gruver (’57), Vernon Trier (’43), Fayette Sevits Carpenter (’58), Brenda Reeg Robison (’60), Kay (Rothgeb) Cowdin (’76), Dennis McClure (’79), Bill Kettlekamp (’52), Rosalie Farber Kleespie (’57), Ruth Ann Bowie Davis (’57), Graham Kleespie (54), Marthene Wiley Phend (’55), Richard Phend (’51), Tom Felger (’57), Bob Brittain (’64), Jennifer Reiff (Assistant CCHS Principal) and Steve Doepker (CCHS Principal).

Front Left to Right:  Kay (Rothgeb) Cowdin (’76), Brenda Reeg Robison ('60), Vernon Trier ('43), and Ruth Ann Bowie Davis ('57),

Back Left to Right:  Graham Kleespie ('54), Rosalie Farber Kleespie ('57), Ted Gruver ('57), Bill Kettelkamp ('52), Fayette Sevits Carpenter (’58), Tom Felger (’57), Richard Phend (’51), Marthene Wiley Phend (’55), and Steve Doepker (CCHS Principal).


Report of Officers

President’s Report

Ted Gruver‘s report was submitted by presenting to the Officers and Board of Directors Report (1) dated May 21, 2006 and Report (2) dated March 23, 2006.  Copies included as part of these minutes.

Vice-President’s Report

Vernon Trier welcomed all members and thanked them for their work on behalf of the alumni association.

Secretary’s Report

Since this is the first official meeting of the Officers and Board of Directors, there were no minutes to read for any previous meetings.

Treasurer’s Report

Ruth Ann Bowie-Davis reported that there is $861.15 in the alumni association treasury.  

Committee Reports

Auditor’s Report

Tom Felger reported that most funds have been raised to date by holding a 50/50 drawing at the Florida brunches.  Felger noted that we need more fundraising activities.  It was suggested that the alumni association discuss doing the 50/50 fundraiser at all class reunions.

Condolences Report

Marthene (Wiley) Phend is chairman of the Condolences Committee.  Condolences are sent to the family of a CCHS alumnus upon their death.  Marthene reports this is working very well.

CCHSAA Web Site Report

Brenda (Reeg) Robison reported that everyone who has visited the website is now officially registered.  Active website users span the classes of 1937 through 2005, although many also have entered information in earlier years for their parents and grandparents.  Brenda checks each website visitor’s submission for authenticity and appropriateness prior to approving it to appear online, and copies of all submissions are sent to President Ted Gruver and the Class Coordinator, if there is one.

The website is fully operational, although there are areas which will be expanded and added in the future.  Security concerns were discussed, and later this year passwords will probably be required to access the Alumni Database.

Brenda introduced Dennis McClure, who is serving as her assistant and back-up.  Dennis reported that volunteers are always needed, particularly ones who have a scanner to scan pictures from yearbooks, etc. for the website.     

CCHSAA  Ambassadors Report

Rosalie (Farber) Kleespie and Graham Kleespie have been appointed and agreed to be the CCHSAA Ambassadors.  Their duty is to attend all CCHS class reunions in the CC area and give a short report to the reunion alumni on the CCHS alumni association and website. The ambassadors will hand out CCHSA database forms with instructions for alumni to enter their personal profiles on the CCHSA website.

2006 Alumni Day Committee Report

Richard Phend, Chairman of the Alumni Day Committee, presented a detailed report of proposed alumni activities centered around CCHSA “Alumni Day” in October.  Richard will work with CCHS Principal Steve Doepker to coordinate alumni activities with what the school has planned.  Dick said volunteers are needed for his committee. 

Report on CCHS 125th Anniversary and Homecoming Celebration

Steve Doepker, CCHS Principal, reported that the school is actively working on the celebration, which will be held October 6th.  A number of activities are being discussed as possibilities.  Those include:

  • A luncheon and tour of the school for alumni.  Trying to organize school groups (such as the show choir) to participate.

  • A special invitation to alumni inviting them to the Friday night football game.

  • Issues of signage for the celebration.  It is very difficult to get “across the street” banner for downtown.  Other possibilities include flagpole banners.

  • Need good newspaper coverage of the event.  CCHS has excellent relationship with the newspaper, consequently this should not be a problem. 

Steve also reported that the law requires CCHS to track graduating students and check with them at 3 and 5 years after graduating.  CCHS pays over $3,000.00 to track CCHS graduates.  This could be completed via the CCHSAA web site.  A discussion was held on using the CCHSAA website for the required tracking. 

Steve also reported that CCHS is collecting yearbooks and needs a1968 yearbook    

Old Business

President Gruver reported on the following: 

  • The CCHSAA by-laws have been completed and a by-laws committee should be formed.
  • All CCHSAA funds have been placed with the Whitley County Community Foundation (WCCF).
  • The CCHSAA Articles of Association have been completed
  • CCHSAA and Whitley County Community Foundation have entered into an agreement dated March 9, 2006.  The agreement is included as part of these minutes and can be posted on the CCHSAA web site.
  • The next meeting of the CCHSAA Officers and Board will be held on October 6, 2006, in connection with the CCCHSAA Alumni Day, CCHS Homecoming and the 125th Anniversary of CCHS.  This meeting will include election of officers.  Nominating Committee members are needed.  Vern Trier has volunteered to serve but wishes not to chair the committee.   It was stressed that we need to find new board members who live in the Columbia City area to help run the organization, preferably local CCHS alumni.  It is often difficult to deal with local details and transactions that arise when you are not on site.
  • CCHSAA placemats with the CCHS Fight Song have been printed and are being offered by the CCHS Alumni Association to all class reunions.  The CCHS Alumni Association’s address and telephone information is printed at the bottom of the placemats.  Currently these are free, but it was suggested that the alumni association begin charging a small fee for the placemats.
  • CCHSAA would like to have a logo identifying the organization and is investigating using the CCHS art classes with a prize for the winning CCHSAA logo.

Unfinished Business

Ted Gruver reported that the CCHS Florida Alumni Brunch will now be held every two years, with the next  brunch to be held the first Sunday in March 2008 (even years)


President Gruver adjourned the meeting at 5:45 pm.  A picture was taken of the group under the CCHSA banner in the school.   Everyone present was asked to attend the CCHS commencement at 7:30 p.m., during which members of CCHSAA will be recognized by Mr. Doepke. 

©2005 Columbia City High School Alumni Association         This page last updated 10/29/2020